Esoteric Astrology

as a Tool for Personal Spiritual Development

Esoteric astrology

The dawn of the Age of Aquarius, when the planet enters a new stage of existence, awakens hope for new conditions for the life of humanity—hope for a new world outlook and new ideas about life in general. It is a new stage of human development, which is presently an impasse because the scientific worldview dominates society and the rational, intellectual mind plays the role of the highest priest. The dominance of science leads man to follow a supreme, make-believe god, binding him to the earthly life and its illusions.

The transition to a new Age of Aquarius will be marked by the appearance of new esoteric knowledge that will infiltrate people’s consciousness. In the sphere of prejudices, scientific and one-sided, flawed religious worldviews—collections of fantasies that are far from the truth—will depart.

In my opinion, man does not think independently; his thinking is a result of the environment in which he grew up in: culture, heritage, traditions. He is dependent on the political and economic system of the state. Like a part of the biosphere, man belongs to nature and is dependent on the climate. But man in his own manifestations is most dependent on the cosmos.

Modern man does not suspect that his present existence is the continuation of his previous incarnation. He is convinced that he is free—that his behavior neither depends on the people or things around him nor on his thoughts or feelings. Nevertheless everyone longs for guarantees for the future and everyone feels subconscious anxiety about life’s inevitable struggles: the need to find love, build a career, defend one’s place under the sun. What helps man to live is hope, a subconscious illusion that tomorrow by some miracle everything will change for the better.

So what is the point of our earthly experience?

Everyone agrees that the fluctuation between positive and negative experiences is inevitable; this makes up the form of our lives. Not everyone is aware that the purpose of these fluctuations is the transformation of consciousness and personal development. But are these fluctuations of experience happen randomly? There can be only one satisfying answer: you cannot escape the law of cause and effect. Recurring thoughts shape the mind, recurring feelings-astral body, recurring actions affect the circumstances of the next life. Man can and should control his mind, feelings, and actions and direct them-this would be a manifestation of the creative side of life. But unfortunately man does not participate in this creative development; he does not want to change. He prefers to find the causes of his problems in others, finding enemies in them. For this reason, the truly essential task of many lives full of hardship, separation, and suffering is a transformation into a unique, harmonic spiritual being who should come to self-awareness, that he has the right to create and direct his life according to his own beliefs.

What and who may help man along this path?

This knowledge comes from ancient antiquity. In ancient Egypt and Greece, there were secret schools where enlightened individuals kept and disseminated knowledge about cyclical manifestations in the universe: all events happen under the rigid, constant influence of the cosmos, all levels of life forms— stones, plants, animals, people, breeds—are all profoundly influenced by the nearby planets and spheres of space. The impact of the cosmos on man is without a doubt determined by all the esoteric laws: the 10 planets, our cosmic teachers, affect the 4 bodies—physical, etheric, astral, and mental. That means each chakra is capable of taking in the energy of the planets and consequently, the cycles of influence from the cosmos and the vibrations of the planets form the inner mental and emotional conditions of man and the work on these conditions provokes the events in life.

On the one hand astrology is identical to mathematics, in such it operates a simple set of symbols. But on the other hand, astrology is a tool for revealing of man’s level of spiritual development that he brought from his past lives; and more importantly, it is a method for spiritual development in this life. My approach is to diminish the importance of the intellectual and other normally accepted criteria used for evaluating a person. Metaphysical astrology is the only objective instrument for evaluating a personality, of her negative sides with the goal of correcting them by working on oneself. Only esoteric astrology allows you to see exactly, soberly, and independently your inner world and to realize which manifestations in a person should be monitored, evaluated and curbed by the power of the mind. Only then do manifestations of personalities transform, imaginary enemies disappear, and a more harmonious personality forms for the next incarnation.

Astrology is the only science of all the exact esoteric and non-esoteric sciences that offers complete, true and voluminous knowledge about man and his karmic task.

It makes absolutely no sense to envy someone else’s fate because every person has his or her own experiences from a previous life, the experiences of his or her soul and its level of development and consequently every person has his or her own life program. It is better to direct one’s concentration inward without deception. One must accept all his or her qualities completely and without illusion or the desire to embellish. It is necessary to understand that these negative circumstances drive us to work on ourselves and improve our characters.

Thus, the purpose of life is not to accept everything passively,the goal is to learn how to live in a harmonious way in all spheres of life. Instead of blaming other people or external circumstance for your unhappiness, it is better to focus on creating your own happiness from within. Man is responsible for his own spiritual development. Everything that happens to him in his life pushes him to change, even if this process is slow. But this change can only be accomplished if he understands the meaning of the circumstances and makes the right conclusions from his life experiences. Happiness will be the result of these efforts.