NEW MOON in SCORPIO November 7, 2018 : end of eclipses midpoint, great transition, big illusions.

NEW MOON in SCORPIO November 7
End of the corridor of eclipses midpoint
Great transition, clearance of spaces
Adventurous plans or great illusions

06.11. Ingression of Uranus R in Aries (until March 6, 2019)
06.11. Ingression of the Lunar Nodes on the axis Cancer/Capricorn (until Mai 5, 2020)
06.11. Squares Uranus R/axis of the Lunar Nodes
07.11. 11:02:02 (GMT-5) NEW MOON in 15°11’18” of SCORPIO
The end of the corridor of eclipses midpoint. The point of the New Moon is in square to the point of the Solar Eclipse in Leo of August 11
08.11. Ingression of Jupiter in Sagittarius (until December 2, 2019)
09.11. Trine Venus R/Mars
11.11. Sextile Sun/Pluto
13.11. The Sun is in trine to the point of the Solar Eclipse in Cancer of July 12
14-19.11. Square Mercury/Neptune
15.11. Sextile Mars/Uranus R
15.11. Ingression of Mars in Pisces (until December 31, 2018)
16.11. Venus is direct in 25°14′ of Libra
17.11. Mercury is retrograde in 13°29′ of Sagittarius
20.11. Square Mars/Jupiter
22.11. Ingression of the Sun in Sagittarius. Happy birthday, dear Sagittarius!